debug Namespace

The debug API provides several methods to inspect the Ethereum state, including Geth-style traces.


Returns an RLP-encoded header.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_getRawHeader", "params": [block]}


Retrieves and returns the RLP encoded block by number, hash or tag.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_getRawBlock", "params": [block]}


Returns an EIP-2718 binary-encoded transaction.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_getRawTransaction", "params": [tx_hash]}


Returns an array of EIP-2718 binary-encoded receipts.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_getRawReceipts", "params": [block]}


Returns an array of recent bad blocks that the client has seen on the network.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_getBadBlocks", "params": []}


Returns the structured logs created during the execution of EVM between two blocks (excluding start) as a JSON object.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_traceChain", "params": [start_block, end_block]}


The debug_traceBlock method will return a full stack trace of all invoked opcodes of all transaction that were included in this block.

This expects an RLP-encoded block.


The parent of this block must be present, or it will fail.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_traceBlock", "params": [rlp, opts]}


Similar to debug_traceBlock, debug_traceBlockByHash accepts a block hash and will replay the block that is already present in the database.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_traceBlockByHash", "params": [block_hash, opts]}


Similar to debug_traceBlockByHash, debug_traceBlockByNumber accepts a block number and will replay the block that is already present in the database.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_traceBlockByNumber", "params": [block_number, opts]}


The debug_traceTransaction debugging method will attempt to run the transaction in the exact same manner as it was executed on the network. It will replay any transaction that may have been executed prior to this one before it will finally attempt to execute the transaction that corresponds to the given hash.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_traceTransaction", "params": [tx_hash, opts]}


The debug_traceCall method lets you run an eth_call within the context of the given block execution using the final state of parent block as the base.

The first argument (just as in eth_call) is a transaction request.

The block can optionally be specified either by hash or by number as the second argument.

ClientMethod invocation
RPC{"method": "debug_traceCall", "params": [call, block_number, opts]}